North East and Yorkshire Youth Sailing Association
Competitive & Inclusive Regional Youth & Junior Sailing since 1983!

Behaviour & Conduct Policy
We expect everyone involved with the association to uphold the values and behaviour of the association, the RYA and World Sailing.
Sailing is an inclusive and supportive sport and we wish to enjoy our sport in a positive environment. Sanctions will be applied if sailors or their supporters do not adhere to our behaviour policy.
Safeguarding & Welfare Policy
NEYYSA's welfare & safeguarding policy is available via this link
NEYYSA complies with the RYA's safeguarding and welfare policies and will act immediately to resolve any concerns or worries you may have.
Please contact us in confidence using the email address in the contact list.
Social Media Policy
Social Media is a positive and powerful tool to share information, celebrate success and help people access opportunities. It must be used appropriately and with consideration.
We expect everyone involved with our association to adopt and follow the guidelines in our social media policy.
Sanctions, as outlined in our behaviour and conduct policy will be applied if sailors or their supporters do not follow this policy.
NSPCC Sports Parent Promise
NEYYSA encourages parents to sign up to the NSPCC Sports Parent Promise
I promise to make sure the club we choose together is safe and fun.
I promise to listen to you if you have any concerns about your sport.
I promise to make sure that I always support you and your teammates in a positive way.